The Truth About Allergy Season


这是一年中你最害怕的时候:你醒来时喉咙沙哑, a stub­born cough, and a whole lot of congestion.

如果你对海味过敏——也被称为过敏性鼻炎或花粉热——你并不孤单. 数以百万计的美国人会随着季节的变化而产生过敏反应.

尽管过敏很常见,但人们对它们仍有许多误解. 以下是一些最常见的过敏神话背后的真相:


最常见的海洋过敏症的诱因是一种被称为花粉的淡黄色粉状物质. Pollen par­ti­cles can make their way into your lungs, nose, or eyes, where they can cause symp­toms if you are aller­gic to pollen.

众所周知,花是产生花粉的植物,但许多种类的植物都可以产生花粉. 海味过敏往往是由树木、草或杂草产生的花粉引起的.

Myth: Spring is the worst sea­son for allergies.

There isn’t one worst” sea­son. 的确,许多人在春天会经历最严重的过敏, 但也有人认为夏天和秋天是最不舒服的. 这是因为每个季节都有不同的镜头:

There also isn’t one worst” month with­in each sea­son, 因为全国各地过敏的确切时间各不相同.


There are cer­tain times when it might be best to stay inside, but that doesn’t mean you can nev­er enjoy the outdoors.

有些人发现,在决定是否长时间外出之前,检查一下当天的十大正规赌博平台大全是很有帮助的. This is a mea­sure­ment of how much pollen is in the air. You can find the dai­ly pollen counts on The South Bend Clin­ic home­page. Addi­tion­al­ly, 有几个网站,你可以找到当前和预测的花粉数量, such as the Nation­al Aller­gy Bureau and Pollen​.com. 一些智能手机的天气预报应用程序还包括十大正规赌博平台大全的信息. 

If you do need to spend time out­side on a high-pollen day, 你可以采取以下几个预防措施来减轻症状:

  • Wear a face mask
  • 保持你的草短-但尽量把实际的园艺留给那些没有过敏的人
  • Rinse off when you come inside
  • Brush your pets after they’ve gone outdoors




The key is to start tak­ing them ear­ly on. If you already know you have aller­gies, start them two weeks before you expect your symp­toms to begin. 这可以让你的身体适应药物,这样你就可以得到最好的效果. 

To learn more about reliev­ing aller­gy symp­toms, 预约十大正规赌博平台大全的过敏专科医生.

Myth: Aller­gy med­ica­tions always make you tired

抗过敏药是一种药物,它可以阻断一种引起症状的化学物质,我称之为抗过敏药,当你有过敏反应时,你的身体会释放这种化学物质,它是最有效的过敏药物之一. 它们有让你昏昏欲睡的名声,但情况并非总是如此. There are non-drowsy anti­his­t­a­mines, like fex­ofe­na­dine (Alle­gra®), lorata­dine (Clar­itin®), and cet­i­rizine (Zyrtec®), that are less like­ly to tire you out.

Also, not all aller­gy med­ica­tions are anti­his­t­a­mines. Many oth­er types aren’t known for caus­ing drowsi­ness, 比如抗-抗-类固醇,它可以阻断与过敏有关的炎症, 免疫注射可以训练你的免疫系统对过敏原没有反应, and decon­ges­tants that pro­vide fast, tem­po­rary relief for sinus congestion. 

误解:因为decon - ges - ants(如Afrin®和Sudafed®)可以在柜台上买到, they are always safe to use.

decon - gs - ants可以缓解鼻塞或鼻窦阻塞. 许多药物都可以在柜台上以药片、液体或鼻喷雾剂的形式购买. While decon­ges­tants can be great for quick symp­tom relief, 它们不应该长期使用,有些人应该完全避免使用某些消毒剂.

decon - geants有几种类型,每种类型都有各自的潜在风险:

  • Oxymeta-zo-line (Afrin®鼻喷雾剂或Zicam®鼻喷雾剂)如果连续使用超过3天,可能会导致反弹性便秘——当便秘复发并且比以前更严重时.
  • 口服镇痛药如伪麻黄碱(Sudafed®)或苯基肾上腺素(Sudafed PE®)不应连续服用超过7天. Over time, 口服止痛药可以提高你的心率和血压, 哪些会增加你患心脏病等严重并发症的风险.
  • 如果你有不受控制的高血压或严重的高血压,不要服用口服降压药. 如果你有心脏或甲状腺问题,在服用止痛药前请咨询医生, dia­betes, glau­co­ma, dif­fi­cul­ty uri­nat­ing because of an enlarged prostate, or are pregnant.

Myth: You can’t devel­op aller­gies lat­er in life.

Aller­gies tend to devel­op ear­li­er in life. 然而,过敏可能会消退或消退,甚至直到成年才会出现.

There are sev­er­al rea­sons why this can occur, such as:

  • Weak­en­ing immune sys­tem: As you age, 你的免疫系统会变得更弱,从而增加你患病的可能性, includ­ing aller­gic reactions.
  • 药物变化:一些治疗焦虑症或失眠等疾病的药物含有抗his - t - a - mine. 如果你停止服用它们,你可能会注意到曾经被药物掩盖的症状.
  • Stress: Aging or lifestyle changes can cause or wors­en stress, and that can trig­ger aller­gy flare-ups.
  • 搬到一个新的环境:你可能会搬到一个新的地方,在那里你会接触到不同的环境和新的过敏原.

No mat­ter when you devel­op them, 海洋过敏症会让你有各种感觉——从轻微的不舒服到彻头彻尾的恶心. But you don’t have to be mis­er­able. There are ways to ease or pre­vent symptoms.

过敏症专家或初级保健提供者可以帮助你找到最有效的方法来管理你的过敏症. Until then … grab a box of tissues. 

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